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Take Charge of Your Career: The Power of People


In the high-stakes world of executive leadership, your organization will only be as good as the talent that supports you. Since founding my strategic executive agency boutique service in 2012, I’ve seen firsthand how traditional methods of attracting talent often fall short. They can be ineffective and untimely, failing to bring in the specific skill sets, caliber of talent, and cultural fit necessary for an executive to execute a bold vision. Yet, your career growth, rewards, and reputation are hinged on those very people—and that’s just not fair.

The Importance of People in Your Career

Each organization presents its own unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to people. Here are some key areas to focus on:

1. Identify Talent Needs: Understand the specific skill sets and cultural fit required to drive your vision forward. Don’t settle for anything less.

2. Evaluate and Attract the Right Talent: Traditional recruitment methods may not always deliver the results you need. Be proactive in seeking out and evaluating potential candidates.

3. Leverage Internal and External Resources: If your internal processes aren’t yielding the right talent, don’t hesitate to make a strong ROI argument for bringing in specialized external resources.

Lessons From Seasoned Executives

When I started in this business as a young man, I always preferred working with seasoned executives. They had seen too much and had very specific goals, refusing to waste their time on ineffective people or processes. If they didn’t have a great partner or process internally, they were willing to take the necessary steps to bring in the special talent they needed. They understood the potential risks of failure and the importance of making timely, impactful decisions.

Avoiding the Pitfalls

On the flip side, I’ve seen executives who felt frustrated, limited, or even “stuck” because they didn’t know their options or weren’t willing to take control of the talent acquisition process. This is just one aspect of taking control of your career, but it’s a critical one. Your career, projects, and business initiatives’ success—and the personal impact—are all significantly influenced by the people you surround yourself with.

Taking Control

Pay attention to the most senior folks and get the best people on your team. Remember, time is not your friend. Take control of this process yourself because, ultimately, you will be judged on the results. There is no asterisk explaining, “HR couldn’t find me a good product manager.”

Take control of your success and play to win. By proactively managing the talent that supports you, you ensure that your vision is executed effectively and your career continues to soar.

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